Mateen and Mummy
It has been almost 6 years since I tumbled down the snowy slopes of Mount Hutt as a Novice skier with a little thing nestled in my belly. I have not become one apt at the art of ski-ing but the little thing which tumbled together with me has grown into a fine little boy call Abdul Mateen, one and a half months shorts of 5 years of age.
Honestly speaking, I have never been a big fan of babies and little people. Then, Mateen came along and I have since realised what a blessing he is. These 4 years 10 months and 17 days of seeing him discover and make sense of the world around him has been a most fascinating period for me. I find myself growing together with him, learning day by day how important it is for me to be a better person so I can be a better parent. I learnt to listen better, to empathise, to compromise, to be forgiving, to be patient, to be tolerant and to have a sense of humour.
It is indeed an understatement to say that being a parent is really tough. It is so tough that there are times when I wish I am not working so I can devote all my energies to being a good mother. But then there are also times when I appreciate the richness of my life as it is, the balancing act I do everyday which keeps me on my toes and never taking anything for granted.
With 2 weeks left of this holiday, I am determined to spend time meaningfully with this little boy who sometimes have the knack to appear so mature that I forget that he is after all still an active, energetic and growing 4 year old who needs proper nourishment, physical activity, intellectual stimulation and a huge dollop of LOVE. So far, I managed to bring him to the playground and watched on as he learnt to negotiate with other children in an informal, non-adult-structured setting. I also managed to trick him into eating vegetables and persuaded him to eat more healthily. (Guerilla tactics, said his father. Well, whatever works! It will definitely take some strategising to keep up with this when school starts and he goes back to Nenek's house.) Some other "achievements" include the cutting down of computer days from 2 to 1, visiting the library and borrowing books other than comics, walking and taking public transport, "working out" at the children's garden and limiting daily sweets intake.
It will be a challenge to keep up with all these things but as a mother set on giving the best she can to her little boy, you can be sure I'll do my darnest best! Wish me luck, cunning and tenacity for I'll need them!
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